Thursday, December 27, 2012

Obama's gun ban

So I'll start off by saying the obvious "Obama's gun ban" will accomplish nothing but more murders more rape and more violent crime. Why should law abiding civilians be armed like 19th century soldiers when the criminals are heavily armed sometimes with actual military weapons. Why would you ban high capacity magazines on guns? It doesn't make them any less deadly, this gun has a 10, 20
and 30 round capacity, not one of these magazines make this sporting/defense rifle more deadly. We need less liberal media saying how wonderful this country will be with out guns its going to get bad with less guns for example Chicago was the murder capital of the U.S.A and it has/had the most restrictive firearm laws in  the US. If people are to blind sided or ignorant to think less guns equals less crime your wrong. The death penalty can insure less crime but that's another topic for another day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't trust a government that doesn't trust you

Some more vetting of the truth. Instead of blaming an object, blame the psychos and their psychotropic drugs for the mass shootings. Just about every one of them was on those medication which list suicidal and violent tendencies as a side effect. Also look at the violence on games. Simulated killings in the call of duty type games. England with their gun ban has the highest crime rate in Europe while Switzerland, with guns in every home, has one of the lowest crime rate in Europe. The 2nd amendment is there to give people a fighting chance if government turns tyrannical. With so many tyrants in the past, its unfortunate people forget so easily like goldfish. Whatever statistics you come up with, government have killed much more people across the world. How about disarming government first?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Newtown, CT Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

First off I'll start by saying this is a very tragic event that happened today December 14 2012. Now I hear everybody saying "ban guns" I would like to know how that will help so please leave a comment, I personally think teachers should be trained on situations like this an they should be armed AT school. My main reason for thinking this is most high causality shooting in the USA seem to happen in "gun free zones" please tell me why the criminals dont listen to this. Thats all I have for now but remember to keep everybody that was at sandy hook elementary in your thoughts and prayers.